بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسل الله
The following timeline was migrated from The Human Timeline post. This timeline focuses solely on Islamic history. As of now, the dates are approximated based on what is available to me. I will be making the efforts to place the dates as precisely as possible and try to maintain the timeline in order إن شاء الله
The links redirect to DarPDFs (in English) and Wikipedia. I will try to link each person and event to their original source as possible (which may mean that the links might redirect to books or articles in Arabic).
قبل الهجرة (translit. qablal Hijra) = Before Hijra (BH)
بعد الهجرة (translit. ba’dal Hijra) = After Hijra (AH).
c. = circa (approximately)
This timeline begins with the birth of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and work it’s way down to the present.
And, as I mentioned in my previous post, if you have any suggestions or corrections, you can contact me through the form on the right hand panel.
Islam | Rashidun Khilafah | Umayyad Khilafah | Abbasid Khilafah | Ottoman Empire, Sultanate & Arabia | Islamic Personalities | Secterian Movements & events ascribed to Islam